
Design realisation

CAU has substantial experience and knowledge in engineering industry, in particular in the field of investments, while good knowledge of the procedures, civil engineering laws and regulations allows us to offer services comprising all the design disciplines – from the initial idea to the very realisation. CAU is particularly experienced in preparation of conceptual, scheme and detailed designs. We have extensive experience in preparation of designs for marinas and jetties, vessel and motor halls, tourism resorts, commercial centres, business structures, radio communication system, administrative buildings and power structures.

Construction supervision

One of key services CAU provides is constructions supervision. Construction supervision is a very complex and demanding task as the company guarantees that the works were carried out in line with the design documentation and valid laws and regulations, and is therefore legally liable for all the defects and faults.

Aware of the complexity and the responsibility of this role, CAU has set up two teams of supervising engineers that communicate and exchange information, knowledge and experience about the projects and in that regard can step in and act as substitute. This way, the company guarantees unhindered realisation of the project and high quality of provided services.

Our construction supervision portfolio includes the most diverse projects, such as tourist resorts, health industry, processing industry, telecommunication, shipping industry, commercial and business facilities.

Professional design review

Professional design review is one of key steps in design preparation as it evaluates a particular engineering design against its requirements, design criteria and current market trends so as to ensure that the design meets the objectives of its preparation, but also to verify quality of steps preceding its preparation. Further to this, the design review also includes analysis of design decisions and the rationale behind them and checking the design against relevant and valid regulations and standards and flagging key potential problems that may jeopardise project realisation or cause delays thus contributing to prevention of unnecessary costs and time loss on the project realisation.

Technical Control / Revision

CAU renders the service of technical control or revision of design documentation for tourist resort, health facilities, commercial centres and family houses. Believing in the concept of “knowledge sharing”, during the process of technical control, CAU maintains constant communication with the designer to ensure proper understating of all the parts of the design, while at the design preparation stage, CAU reviewing engineers cooperate with designers in terms of providing counsel and guidance in that way optimising process of design preparation and revision. The firm has licences for revision/technical control and construction supervision and the licence for designer and contractor. CAU also employs engineers with licences for complex engineering structures for certain disciplines.

Technical reception

We also perform technical control and approval of already performed construction works for complex engineering structures. So far, we have experience in technical acceptance of business-residential buildings, various petrol station and marinas.